About Us
Why Evangelism Explosion?
Jesus Did It!
As the greatest teacher and preacher the world will ever see, Jesus showed us that making disciples takes more than just teaching and preaching. He took time to train His disciples
and showed them in practical ways, what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how to share their faith.
Jesus demonstrated two very important principles:
Disciples are made - not born; (a training process)
The leader is called to take the initiative to disciple! (leadership)
At Evangelism Explosion, our goals are firstly, to equip church leaders with the training, tools and resources to fulfil those vital discipleship principles.
Secondly, we are here to help train Christians to share their faith by combining personal evangelism with practical discipleship through our training and resources.
every nation, equipping every people group
and every age group to witness to every person.
Evangelism Explosion International Mission
Our Mission
To provide training and resources to equip Church Leaders and Christians in the UK to enable them to share their faith and see people won for the God's Kingdom.