Training Courses
Sharing Your Faith Starts Here!
Evangelism Explosion is all about equipping and encouraging Christians to share their faith with those around them.
Using tried and tested EE principles, we work alongside church leaders as well as individuals to provide resources and training to equip Christians to effectively share their faith. Discover below, just some of the training we have on offer:
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
Ask the LORD of the harvest, therefore,
to send out workers into his harvest field.
Luke 10 v 2 (N.I.V)
Xee Life Now Course
Xee is a twelve session course that teaches participants how to connect with others and build relationships, which sparks conversation about Jesus, God and Faith.
Xee is a gospel presentation that is powerful, whilst sharing the doctrines of salvation in every day language. Learn how to write your testimony in a way that friends can identify with, and discover how to share your faith in Christ, whilst showing them Christ in us.
As you learn and share the Xee Gospel Pathway you will be equipped to share what it means to fully commit to living a life with Jesus.
Contact us to discuss how to organise an Xee course for you or your church
Register to take part as an individual by viewing our latest course dates on the events page.

Xee Life Forever Course
(Classic EE)
For over 50 years, Evangelism Explosion has been training and equipping Christians through the Classic EE course.
Thousands of people have come to know the Lord, as Christians have shared their faith using the principles of Classic EE.
Classic EE has now been updated and is included as part of the Xee course called 'Life Forever'. It continues to teach all the tried and tested techniques, alongside some new ways to connect.
Contact us to discuss how to organise an
Xee course for you or your church
Register to take part as an individual by viewing our latest course dates on the events page.
Share Your Faith Workshop
Introducing our one-day workshop in evangelism.
Rekindle your passion to share the ‘Gospel Message’ with others;
Learn simple and easy ways to express that 'Good News’; using our popular 'Gospel Hand' method to sharing your faith;
Use your own experiences to share the ‘Gospel Message’.
Book a Share Your Faith Workshop online or at your church.
Register to take part as an individual by viewing our latest course dates on the events page.

Hope for Kids
Hope for kids is an activity based resource to help children share their faith with their friends. six to nine year olds are at a critical stage of their lives. They may have accepted their parents’ faith, they may attend church, Sunday School, and other Christian activities, but they are at the age when they become influenced by their friends and other influences.
Give them a personal anchor. With Hope for Kids children learn the basic truths of the gospel in ways that strengthens and matures their understanding of grace, redemption and faith, giving them a strong spiritual foundation.
Book a Hope for Kids training event for your children's leaders at our church or online.