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Hope for Kids Workshops

Teach Children how

to share their faith

Hope for Kids lays a foundation for spiritual growth in children and enables youngsters to respond with excitement and enthusiasm to Jesus’ command to all of us to be His witnesses. It develops a worldview that is framed by the recognition that without faith in Jesus we are all lost in our sins.


Girl in Chicken Farm

Hope for Kids

Hope for kids is an activity based resource to help children share their faith with their friends. six to nine year olds are at a critical stage of their lives. They may have accepted their parents’ faith, they may attend church, Sunday School, and other Christian activities, but they are at the age when they become influenced by their friends and other influences.

Give them a personal anchor.  With Hope for Kids children learn the basic truths of the gospel in ways that strengthens and matures their understanding of grace, redemption and faith, giving them a strong spiritual foundation.


Book a Hope for Kids training event for your children's leaders at our church or online.

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

Ask the LORD of the harvest, therefore,

to send out workers into his harvest field.

Luke 10 v 2 (N.I.V)

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